
Energy performance

The building energy performance concerns the energy required for the use of the building. It can...


Heat and mass transfer

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Environmental comfort

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The analysis of the sustainability of buildings involves a holistic view that includes the entir...

  • Energy performance

  • Heat and mass transfer

  • Acoustics

  • Lighting

  • Environmental comfort

  • Sustainability

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Energy performance

The building energy performance concerns the energy required for the use of the building. It can include – as expressed by the EPBD recast for a standard use – the energy used for space heating, space cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water production, electric lighting.

The energy performance can be expressed by means of indicators that quantify, in function of the aim and the field of application, the useful energy need, the primary energy use, the energy delivered to the building by energy service and energy carrier, the energy produced by renewable energy sources, etc.

The energy performance modelling of buildings is a topic still deeply investigated by the research community. From literature analysis, the available methods for the energy performance assessment are classified in simplified methods (e.g., those derived from technical standards), simulation models (e.g., detailed dynamic numerical simulation tools), statistical methods (e.g., regression models), machine learning techniques (e.g., neural networks), and other methodologies.

The most common simulation tools for the energy performance assessment are listed and described at the following link: